As a student Chris was helping his cousin in Germany to drive the ERO grape harvester. His cousin Andy started with one ERO and today he (Agrar Service Fleischmann) is one of the biggest contractors for agricultural services with a total of 11 ERO grape harvesters. One night after a long day harvesting Andy and Chris had a glass of wine and had the idea to exploid the ERO machine more than only 6 weeks in the year - the harvest in South Africa is 4 months after the harvesting season is finished in Germany, which could be a second harvest within one season.

In January 2008 Chris found the company German Grape Services CC and the machine was shipped to Cape Town for the 2008 harvest. After the harvest the machine has been shipped back to Germany.

This has been repeated until 2011, when Andy left German Grape Services CC. 

Since 2012 German Grape Services CC did not rent the machine from Agrar Service Fleischmann, but bought an ERO, which is now stationed in South Africa.